Massager is a new generation of health care equipment developed based on physics, bionics, bioelectrics, traditional Chinese medicine and many years of clinical practice. It has a variety of simulation functions, allowing consumers to experience acupuncture, massage, massage, hammering, cupping, scraping, slimming, immune regulation, detoxification, stress relief, promotion of blood circulation, treatment of joint pain and other functions. Nowadays, as people's quality of life is getting higher and higher, massage appliances are more popular among consumers. But the massager needs to pass the safety test before it can be sold on the market.
Massage Appliance Safety Test Standard
◆ IEC 60335-2-32:2019 "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances Part 2-32: Particular Requirements for Massage Appliances"
◆ GB 4706.10-2008 "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances-Special Requirements for Massage Appliances"
◆ EN60335-2-32:2003+A1:2008+A2:2015
◆ AS/NZS 60335.2.32: 2014
Massager safety test items
1. Signs and instructions; protection against touching live parts;
2. Start-up of electric appliances; input power and current;
3. Heat generation; leakage current and electric strength at working temperature;
4. Moisture resistance; leakage current and electrical strength;
5. Overload protection of transformers and related circuits; abnormal work;
6. Stability and mechanical hazards; mechanical strength; structure;
7. Internal wiring; power connection and external cord;
8. Terminals for external wires; grounding measures;
9. Screws and connections; clearances, creepage distances and solid insulation;
10. Heat-resistant and flame-resistant; rust-proof.
Massager IEC60335 Safety Test Report Processing Process
1. Business consultation: the applicant provides product information, pictures and testing requirements to our company;
2. Project quotation: According to the information provided by the applicant, the engineer makes an evaluation and makes an oral quotation to the applicant;
3. Send samples: After the applicant accepts the verbal quotation, the test samples are submitted to our company;
4. Payment: Send a written quotation to the applicant after receiving the sample, and the applicant will arrange payment according to the written quotation;
5. Sample testing: product testing in accordance with applicable standards;
6. Issuing a report: After the test is completed, the laboratory will issue a third-party IEC test report and close the case.
Please contact our company ZRLK for the IEC60335 safety inspection report of the massager. We will provide you with professional and efficient inspection and certification services with favorable prices and considerate service. If you provide us with product pictures and specifications, we will give you corresponding cycles, quotations and specific solutions according to your products. You are welcome to inquire!